大會講員簡介 Plenary Speaker Profile

鄭詩哲博士 Dr. Edward Cheng

鄭詩哲博士在香港生長,並在美國和英國接受高等教育。詩哲是一位科研技術專家,專注於研究生成式人工智能和其他機器學習項目,以及大數據、知識、智能和智慧的管理。他發明的 LSM-Tree 算法被當今許多著名數據系統廣泛使用,包括Google、Meta、微軟、甲骨文、Twitter (X)、Cassandra、Hadoop 和 RocksDB。他是甲骨文公司人工智能副總裁,曾任香港大學資訊長及香港大學深圳醫院資訊科技總經理。詩哲擁有倫敦大學電腦科學博士學位,以及紐約哥倫比亞大學和加州大學柏克萊分校工商管理碩士學位。 鄭詩哲隨從韓力生學習基督教神學和研讀聖經。韓力生曾是基督教導航會的宣教士和門徒訓練導師,也是《息息不斷的門徒訓練法》一書的作者。鄭博士的出版書籍包括《五個問題 – 帶出豐盛的人生意義和目的》(2020 年)、《生死之旅 – 與所羅門一起走過傳道書》(2021 年)和《人工智能與神》(2023 年)。

Edward Cheng was born and raised in Hong Kong and received his higher education in the US and UK. Edward is a technologist and visionary who specializes in the research and development of Generative AI and other Machine Learning initiatives, as well as the management of big data, knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. He is credited with inventing the LSM-Tree algorithm which is widely used today by many prominent Database Systems including Google, Meta, Microsoft, Oracle, Twitter (X), Cassandra, Hadoop, and RocksDB. He is the Vice President of Artificial Intelligence at Oracle Corporation. He was the CIO of the University of Hong Kong, and the General Manager of IT at the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital. Edward has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of London, as well as MBAs from Columbia University in New York and UC Berkeley in California. He lives in California with his beloved wife, Gem, and two dogs, Clive and Red. Edward studied Christian theology and the Bible under Walt Henrichsen, a former missionary and disciple-maker with the Navigators and the author of the Book ‘Disciples are Made, Not Born’. Edward’s Amazon published books include ‘Five Questions Towards Enriching the Meaning and Purpose of Life’ (2020), ‘Journey of Life or Death – a Journey with Solomon Through the Book of Ecclesiastes’ (2021), and “AI and God” (2023).

這是鄭詩哲博士在2023年出版的書籍《人工智能與神》AI and God (英文版)

This is Edward’s Amazon published book in 2023
Link to the Amazon book https://a.co/d/hBQFYc1